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Afghanistan's unfinished projects to begin

news agency َAfghan News , 24 Aug 2024 - 16:05

Officials in the Ministry of Rural Development and Rehabilitation of Afghanistan say that the World Bank has left nearly 20,000 projects half-finished in Afghanistan, and some of these projects will be resumed in the near future.

According to Amac News: Mohammad Yunus Akhundzadeh, Acting Minister of Rural Development and Rehabilitation of Afghanistan, said that after the political developments in the country, the World Bank has left nearly 20,000 projects half-finished in Afghanistan.
Akhundzadeh added that the ministry has talked with the World Bank about half-finished projects in Afghanistan in the past three years, and it is planned to resume some projects in the near future, and the budget will be paid by the World Bank.
In this program, he stated that the initial works of the road connecting Afghanistan with China in the Wakhan district of Badakhshan, 50 kilometers long and 10 meters wide, have been completed. Acting Minister of Rural Rehabilitation and Development emphasized that this road will be completed by the end of this year.
On the other hand, Mirza Mohammad Shakib, the head of the office of the Ministry of Rural Development and Rehabilitation of Afghanistan, said that in the last one year, this ministry has been able to complete the work of 100 large and small water dams with a total value of 426 million Afghanis in the provinces of Badghis, Baghlan, Balkh, and Parwan. , Paktia, Zabul, Sarpol, Farah, Kapisa, Kunduz, Nuristan, Nimroz and Herat, to complete and put into operation.
Shakib said that in the past year, this ministry has implemented 266 water supply projects in 251 villages, 149 districts in 34 provinces of the country, with a total value of 1 billion Afghani, which has provided safe drinking water for 1 million 525 thousand 400 people.
He stated that hundreds of kilometers of roads have been built in 23 provinces and districts of the country in the past year, and the construction of 388 kilometers of roads is currently underway in different provinces.
This official of the Ministry of Rural Development and Rehabilitation of Afghanistan said that a water dam will be built in Qades Badghis district with a total value of 2.5 million dollars. will provide the place.
According to Shakib, the implementation of 149 water supply projects is underway in the country, with the completion of which, 664,916 people will have access to safe drinking water.
Officials of the Ministry of Rural Development and Rehabilitation of Afghanistan said that the construction of a 5-kilometer retaining wall in Spinboldak district of Kandahar province with a progress of 95 percent, with a total value of 75 million Afghanis, is one of the important projects of this ministry, and with the implementation of this project, hundreds of thousands of hectares of agricultural land It will be protected from torrential floods.

Story Code: 1347

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