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The Belt and Road Summit was opened

news agency wam , 12 Sep 2024 - 14:07

The 9th Belt and Road Summit was held yesterday by 6,000 political and business leaders from Belt and Road countries and regions, including government officials from nearly 10 countries, prominent international business leaders, more than 100 delegations and 38 central Chinese state-owned enterprises.

According to Amac News: On the first day of the Belt and Road Summit, 19 cooperation agreements were signed between the participants of the first day's meeting.
Participants are exploring opportunities and potential areas of development as the Belt and Road Initiative (B&RI) enters its next golden decade, focusing on investment, trade, commerce, innovation and technology, and green development.
Hosted by the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) every year since 2016, the summit has become the premier Belt and Road business and investment platform for Hong Kong, Chinese and overseas companies.
The event highlights Hong Kong's role as an essential platform for B&RI, helping companies and professional services explore new business opportunities.
Titled "Building a Connected, Innovative and Green Belt and Road", this year's summit has expanded its scope by focusing on the eight key steps announced by President Xi Jinping last year to support the high-quality development of B&RI.
The summit will promote cooperation between Hong Kong and Belt and Road countries in areas such as trade, investment, technology, art, culture and talent exchange, while also strengthening cultural ties.
This year's summit features a new green chapter with thematic sessions on green development, innovation and technology, where business leaders and corporate representatives shared insights on the application of green technology and explored how Hong Kong can To help sustainable development in Belt and Road countries.
The summit was attended by more than 200 Belt and Road scholarship recipients, youth ambassadors of the Youth Development Commission, members of the Youth Link, and students and trainers of the Effort and Increase Program, promoting cultural exchanges and people-to-people links and providing insights on the latest Belt and Road developments. and opportunities were held.
The summit will continue with a general business session focusing on the Middle East and emerging markets and exploring new development opportunities under B&RI.
Tomorrow's project investment sessions will focus on innovation and technology, urban development and the Middle East and North Africa. The summit also features more than 800 one-on-one business matching sessions for more than 280 projects.

Story Code: 1541

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