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World Bank:

We donated $1.7 billion to Afghanistan

news agency َAfghan News , 30 Sep 2024 - 11:29

The World Bank said in a statement that since August 2021, it has provided $1.7 billion to support the people of Afghanistan.

According To Amac News: The bank said in a statement that the money was used to provide assistance to Afghan women and girls.
In December 2021, the bank transferred $280 million from the Afghanistan Stability Fund (ARTF) to UNICEF and the World Food Program, the statement said.
The bank said the money was used to finance humanitarian aid gaps to meet emergency health and food needs during the harsh winter months.
The bank and Afghanistan Stability Fund donors have supported the people of Afghanistan by providing vital health, education, food security and water services across the country since the beginning of 2022, the statement said.
According to the statement, the World Bank Board of Directors approved the provision of IMF financial assistance in February 2024 to complement the Afghanistan Stability Fund and continue to support the Afghan people through nationwide service delivery.
The World Bank added that the IDF's assistance would also be directly available to UN and other international agencies and would be outside the reach and control of the AA.
The World Bank said its board of directors had approved the resumption of the CASA-1000 project in Afghanistan and that the payment mechanisms would be outside the control of the caretaker government.
The bank said the projects include stabilization and livelihoods of Afghan society, Afghanistan Health Emergency Response, Emergency Food Security, NGO Capacity Support, Education Emergency Response for Afghanistan, Water Emergency Assistance for Afghanistan, and Small Credit and Enterprise Empowerment Projects to encourage growth. and stability provides financial support.
The World Bank said in its report that the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a subsidiary of the bank, supports the Afghan private sector through investment and advisory services.
The World Bank also said it would support the Afghanistan Private Sector Development Program to support small and medium-sized enterprises and their development, support women-led businesses, public-private sector dialogue and financial sector development.
The bank said it would continue to support the people of Afghanistan and inform the international community about the economic situation, development and well-being of Afghanistan through dialogue and reporting.

Story Code: 1695

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