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Pakistan deported hundreds of Afghan migrants

news agency َAfghan News , 21 Apr 2024 - 11:20

Ministry of Refugees and Returnees of Afghanistan says that Pakistan has expelled more than 800 Afghan refugees from its territory.

According to Amac News; By publishing a newsletter on X, the ministry said that these people returned to Afghanistan on April 18 and 19 through the Torkham and Spinboldak crossings.
According to the newsletter of the Ministry of Immigrants and Returnees Affairs, cash assistance of 10,000 Afghanis has been provided for each family.
The ministry further added that it has introduced these families to the offices of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Organization for Migration to receive assistance.
After the political developments in Afghanistan on August 15, 2021, more than thousands of citizens of this country migrated to Iran, Pakistan and other countries.
The countries of Iran and Pakistan have always returned their citizens to Afghanistan in groups.

Story Code: 287

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