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FTA organizes hackathon to foster innovation in tax sector

news agency wam , 6 Mar 2025 - 13:19

As part of the UAE Innovation Month (UAE Innovates 2025) and the Year of Community, the UAE Federal Tax Authority (FTA) held the InnoTAX 2025 AI Hackathon on February 26-27 at Al Shindagha Museum in Dubai.

According to Amac News, the hackathon sought to develop innovative tax-private solutions and promote public-private collaboration.
During the event, the organization highlighted innovative technology projects and solutions aimed at leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud computing to enhance tax services.
Since the announcement of the hackathon, the organization has received a series of projects focused on enhancing taxpayer experience through artificial intelligence, promoting tax awareness, and using artificial intelligence for tax compliance.
The hackathon targeted a diverse group of participants, including developers, AI experts, designers and data scientists, as well as university students, researchers, faculty, entrepreneurs, tax experts and fintech innovators.
Speaking at the event, Khalid Ali Al Bustani, Director General of FTA, said: “This hackathon reflects our latest AI technologies in developing tax technologies.”
He added that the hackathon offers participants a unique opportunity to participate in shaping the future of digital taxation. “Our goal is to support the advancement of the UAE’s tax system,” Bustani noted.
On the final day of the hackathon, a panel of experts and representatives from the organization evaluated the participating projects and solutions and identified the top three innovative solutions.
The evaluation process followed criteria such as creativity and innovation, quality and usability of the solution, and the extent to which AI, blockchain or automation technology was used.
Additionally, the assessment considered the impact and benefits of the solution, its feasibility and applicability, as well as the clarity, strength, and persuasiveness of the presentation.

Story Code: 3054

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