Publish dateSaturday 13 July 2024 - 15:18
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Abdullah Balalaa, Assistant Minister of State for Energy and Sustainability, said that the UAE has joined the United Nations' Critical Energy Transition Mineral Group in Copenhagen.
photo: wam
photo: wam
According to Amac News: Balalaa has participated in the United Nations Critical Energy Transition Minerals (CETM) panel hosted in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark.
In this event, government representatives, organizations and experts from various backgrounds came together to discuss the important role of vital minerals in the global transition to renewable energy.
The CETM panel was announced by Secretary-General Antonio Guterres at the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) hosted by the United Arab Emirates in 2023.
Vital energy transfer minerals are critical components in many of today's clean energy technologies, including wind turbines, solar panels, electric vehicles, and battery storage.
 Balalaa participated in various discussions on trade and investment, building climate resilience and strengthening protection mechanisms to highlight their importance for the green transition.
Emphasizing the significant potential of this panel to create tangible progress, Balalaa emphasized the need to create economic opportunities and support the most vulnerable communities against climate impacts.
He also discussed with his peers the socio-economic, climatic and environmental aspects of energy transfer materials.
In the face-to-face meeting of the panel, Balalaa emphasized the importance of strengthening multilateral measures to deal with the economic and social challenges faced by the most vulnerable regions.
In this regard, he discussed the current climate challenges such as water scarcity with increasing demand for vital energy minerals and emphasized the importance of determining a clear roadmap for the use of extractive minerals and the importance of joint cooperation to ensure a fair and Justly emphasized.
 A just energy transition that leaves no one behind and provides sustainable socio-economic opportunities in alignment with SDG 2030.
In addition, Balalaa emphasized the need to strengthen dialogue and cooperation and make available financing, which is the main focus at the upcoming COP29 in Baku.
He also advocated the development of common, voluntary principles to guide the sustainable and equitable extraction of critical minerals and called for pragmatic, bold and mutually beneficial solutions.
In his intervention, Balalaa urged the participants to use the opportunity presented by the panel to forge a new path where nations and societies can grow while implementing the principles of fair, orderly and equitable energy transition.
In line with the UAE's efforts to lead climate change action through the UN CETM panel, green investments and global financial commitments, the UAE has announced that it will co-host the 2026 UN Water Conference with Senegal. did
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