Publish dateSaturday 14 September 2024 - 11:49
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The United Arab Emirates Central Bank said in a statement that the UAE's net international reserves increased in the first half of 2024 (H1 2024) with 8.1 percent or AED92.3 billion.
UAE Banking International Reserves increased
According To Amac News: The UAE Central Bank statement said that the bank's reserves reached AED1.238 trillion by the end of June.
According to the statement, the figure showed that the central bank had 7.7 billion in international net reserves by the end of June.
The statement indicates that the figure showed that the AED673.42 billion has increased by 14.3 percent.
The central bank's gold reserves increased by 22.1 percent compared to last year, reaching AED20.467 billion by the end of June.
In the first half of this year, its gold reserves rose 12.8 percent, compared to AED18.147 billion billion at the end of last year.
The central bank's gold reserves have grown significantly in recent years and increased to AED12.862 billion by the end of 2020, compared to AED4.044 billion at the end of 2019 and AED1.134 billion at the end of 2018.
The number of bank branches was 554, with national banks counting 482 branches and foreign banks for 72 branches.
The number of electronic banking services affiliated with National Banks reached 46 by the end of the first half of this year, while the number of exchange offices has reached 21.
Banking statistics showed that the value of transactions processed through the UAE Fund Transfer System (UAEFS) exceeded AED9.32 trillion in the first half of this year.
According to statistics, transfers were distributed in the first half as AED5.829 trillion in interbank transfers and 4.49 trillion AEDs in customer transfers.
Transfer value in January to AED1.512 trillion to AED1.449 trillion in February, AED1.565 trillion in March, AED1.592 trillion in April, AED1.78 trillion in May and AED1.42 trillion in June 2024 has reached.
The central bank's statistics also showed that the value of cleared checks using their images to 646.6 billion AED, which was distributed in 11.03 million checks in the first half of this year.
The statistics also indicate that the value of cash deposits in the central bank in the first half of this year was 93.3 billion AEDs, while the central bank's cash harvest value has reached 2 billion AEDs in the same period, including AED103.
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