The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) published a report saying that girls are more exposed to cyber harassment than men on social media.
photo: RFI
According to Amac News: UNESCO published a report at the same time as the International Day of Girls in Information and Communication Technology and said that cyber harassment among girls is much more than boys.
UNESCO continued in its report that cyber harassment of girls causes distraction and disrupts the learning process for girls.
The Secretary General of the United Nations, by publishing a post on X, called for more support for girls in the field of information and communication technology. Guterres pointed out that fewer women than men have access to the Internet, which hinders them from achieving equal opportunities for work.
Social media exposes young girls to a wide range of inappropriate videos, including sexual content and the promotion of unhealthy and unrealistic body standards, which negatively impact mental health and well-being, according to the findings of a UNESCO report.
According to the report, teenage girls feel lonely twice as much as boys and suffer from eating disorders.
According to statistics, 32% of teenage girls feel worse about their bodies after watching the content of the Instagram.
Data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (IUS) shows that women make up only 35% of higher education graduates globally and hold only 25% of science, engineering and information and communication technology (ICT) jobs.