The Afghan Ministry of Migrants and Returnees Affairs says that this ministry has signed 5 cooperation agreements worth more than 2 million dollars with a number of domestic and international institutions.
photo: Afghan News Agency
According to Amac News: The Ministry of Migrants and Returnees Affairs of Afghanistan published a newsletter today (Monday, April 29) that this ministry signed 5 cooperation agreements worth 2 million one hundred and 97 thousand and 440 dollars with health rehabilitation institutions and Afghan society. The cooperation of the Humane Society, Actid, Razi Development and Social Institute and the Norwegian Immigration Council has been signed.
In this newsletter, it is stated that the Actid, Institute will use the amount of 1 million 122 thousand 303 dollars in the distribution of cash aid for 3 thousand 777 families in Badakhshan, Takhar, Kunduz, Baghlan, Sarpoul, Faryab and Herat provinces of Afghanistan delivers.
According to this newsletter, the Norwegian Immigration Council allocated the amount of 545,525 dollars in the departments of house repair and construction, solar distribution and training for the beneficiaries of the project about house construction and repair for 460 families in the provinces of Zabul, Khost, Faryab and Badghis. The Afghan Health and Community Restoration Institute spends 291 thousand 592 dollars in the sectors of shelter construction, water supply network management, school care and health center in Khost, Paktia and Paktika provinces, of which 11 thousand 869 tons will benefit.
In the same way, the Razi Development and Social Institute provided services in the amount of 228 thousand and 20 dollars in the field of drilling 6 wells with solar system, distribution of health and food packages for 4 thousand people in Kandahar province, and the Human Society Cooperation Institute 10,000 dollars will be used in the food distribution department for 65 families in Bamyan province.
The ministry's newsletter states that based on these agreements, this amount of money will be distributed in cash distribution to needy families, house repair and construction, construction of shelters, water supply network, drilling of 6 wells with solar system and distribution of health and food packages in a number of provinces. Afghanistan will be consumed.