Publish dateTuesday 2 May 2023 - 13:51
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Geoffrey Hinton, known as the godfather of artificial intelligence (AI), revealed on Monday that he recently left Google so he could talk openly about the risks of artificial intelligence.
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The godfather of artificial intelligence left Google after 10 years to share a sobering truth. In a new interview, he says that in a part of himself, he feels regret for what he did.
Dr. Hinton's research in the field of deep learning and neural networks paved the way for the development of current systems such as GPT Chat.
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Jeffrey Hinton About half a century has passed since the development of neural networks, the beating heart of famous chatbots like ChatGPT.
In 2012, Hinton and two of his students at the University of Toronto built a neural network that was able to learn to recognize objects such as flowers, animals, or cars by analyzing thousands of images.
Hinton resigned from Google last month and had a direct conversation with CEO Sundar Pichai last Thursday. The details of this conversation remain confidential.
Leaving Google marks a new chapter in Hinton's life, and the godfather of artificial intelligence has now officially joined the group of critics of this technology. He is known as one of the important figures of this industry with more than a decade of work at Google.
"I justify myself this way: If I didn't do it, someone else would," the godfather of artificial intelligence said in a lengthy interview with The New York Times last week.
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The godfather of artificial intelligence did not sign the letter requesting a six-month moratorium on the development of artificial intelligence, in which more than 1,000 researchers and technology leaders expressed concern about the potential dangers of AI, nor the recent letter from 19 current and former leaders of the AI Development Association. (AAAI) has commented on the dangers of this technology.
Hinton cited his previous indifference as his work at Google and said he did not want to publicly criticize Google or other companies before leaving the company. Finally, last month, he informed Google of his intention to leave, and on Thursday last week, he talked about this in a call with Sundar Pichai, although he did not provide details of this call.
Hinton worries that AI will revolutionize the labor market and replace many jobs.
In the New York Times article, Dr. Hinton refers to "bad actors" who will try to use artificial intelligence for "nefarious purposes."
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