Afghanistan's Ministry of Mines and Petroleum says that the ambassadors of Turkmenistan and China met with the head of the ministry in Kabul and discussed the development of relations between these countries and Afghanistan.
photo: Afghan News Agency
According to Amac News: Afghanistan's Ministry of Mines and Petroleum said that Khawaja Awadov, the ambassador of Turkmenistan in Kabul, met with Hedayatullah Badri, the Acting Minister of Mines and Petroleum, and discussed the recent progress of the TAPI project.
The ministry said in another newsletter that Zhao Xing, the Chinese ambassador in Kabul, also met and discussed with the head of the ministry.
The Ministry of Mines and Petroleum of Afghanistan says that the two sides discussed the expansion of relations between Afghanistan and China, the problems and solutions of the Amu Darya oil project, the start of the practical work of the Aynak copper project and the acceleration of this project.