The Deputy Prime Minister and ADB Governor of the Republic of Korea and the President of the Asian Development Bank signed a financial memorandum worth 2 billion dollars.
photo: social media
According to Amac News: This understanding was signed between Choi Sang Mok, Deputy Prime Minister and ADB Governor of the Republic of Korea and Masatsugu Asakawa, President of the Asian Development Bank.
This 2 billion dollar grant is allocated for independent operations of the Asian Development Bank in the next 3 years.
The MoU will support projects related to climate change and transportation, energy, agriculture, education, governance reforms, health, and information and communication technology (ICT).
$800 million of this amount is earmarked for co-financing projects in India.
The purpose of this MoU is to strengthen technical assistance and feasibility studies by the e-Asia Republic of Korea under the management of ADB and Knowledge Partnership Fund.
The fund was established in 2006 to help reduce poverty in Asia and the Pacific by improving access to information and communication technologies and facilitating knowledge sharing and partnerships.
The CAREC Climate Fund will help close financial gaps in achieving climate change goals by providing bankable and climate-resilient regional projects for CAREC countries.