The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the acting government of Afghanistan has announced the meeting of Nuruddin Azizi, the acting minister of the ministry, with Laziz Qudratov, the Minister of Industry and Trade of Uzbekistan, in Termez.
The Ministry of Mines and Petroleum of the acting government of Afghanistan announced that Hedayatullah Badri, the acting minister of the ministry, met and discussed with the Minister of Mines and Exploration of the country during his visit to Uzbekistan.
Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, Deputy Economic Minister of the Office of the Prime Minister of the Acting Government of Afghanistan, met with Jamshid Khajaev, Deputy Prime Minister of Uzbekistan, in Tashkent and discussed trade relations between the two countries.
The Ministry of Industry and Commerce of the acting government of Afghanistan has announced that an Uzbek economic delegation said in a meeting with the acting minister that Uzbekistan is ready to import coal from Afghanistan to create a balance in trade between the two countries.
Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Dubai, on Wednesday, January 15, welcomed the President of Uzbekistan, Shaukat Mirzayev, and his accompanying delegation at Zabeel Palace, Dubai.
UAE Minister of Economy Abdulla Bin Tuq Al Mari met with Uzbekistan's Minister of Investment, Industry and Trade Ladiz Gudratov to explore ways to strengthen cooperation in a wide range of economic and development sectors.
Abdul Salam Hanafi, the administrative deputy prime minister of the Afghan interim government, has arrived in Uzbekistan at the head of a high-ranking delegation, the Arg said.
Tadweer Group has announced that it has signed a joint development agreement with Uzbekistan to build a waste-to-energy plant in Navi and Bukhara regions.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Afghanistan published a newsletter announcing the holding of a three-day exhibition of Afghan domestic products in Uzbekistan.
The Ministry of Investment of the United Arab Emirates and the Ministry of Digital Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan have announced that they have signed an investment memorandum on the development of digital infrastructure.